Discover Which Vitamins and Minerals Your Body Requires to Help You Lose Weight Healthily

Many overweight people are advised by their doctors that all they need to do is cut down on the quantity of food on their plate, and they will lose weight. A lot of the time this is simply not correct, and sometimes not even healthy. It's having the wrong types of food on your plate that makes you fat, especially the foods that are loaded with sugar.

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A lot of products are marketed as low fat health foods. But you have to read the labels carefully, because to enhance their flavour some have an alarming amount of added sugar. When you eat these foods, your body turns all that sugar into fat, so in actual fact they are even more fattening.

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You need to control your blood sugar if you want to burn off stubborn fat. Your body manufactures insulin if your blood sugar is beyond a safe level. Insulin protects your body from sugar, but turns it into fat. And if insulin has lowered your blood sugar level, this is one of the main reasons why you feel exhausted and crave that forbidden bar of chocolate.

Releasing too much insulin through this process is the reason why you can't lose weight. So you need to know what are the appropriate foods to eat that won't make this happen. Your body requires carbohydrates, but not all carbohydrates are good. The following foods contain lots of added sugar, and nearly all are high in calories. Cut these simple carbs down if you want to lose weight:

Table sugar, jam, chocolate, toffee, biscuits, cakes, boiled and mint sweets, tinned fruits, honey, soft drinks, some puddings, liquorice, chutney, pickles, many cereals, whole wheat bread, low fat salad dressings, and yoghurt.

And be aware that even products with 'healthy' printed all over them are at times anything but!

Simple carbohydrates are commonly thought of as the "bad" ones, but the "bad" simple carbs are the ones that have been processed and broken down, then put back in an artificial way in order to manufacture a sweet product like jam, fudge or cheesecake - and, of course, chocolate!

Natural simple carbohydrates are the best kind to eat when trying to lose weight. Here is a check list of fruits that are low in simple sugars and when eaten in moderation will not cause you to put on weight:

Raspberries, strawberries, oranges, peaches, pears, plums, melon, cranberries, kiwi, cherries, grapefruit, blackberries, apples and blackcurrants.

With the aid of a number of essential vitamins and minerals, all complex carbohydrates are broken down to generate energy. But the refined (simple) carbohydrates found in processed and convenience foods have a tendency to be devoid of these nutrients, and so there is a greater probability that some of the energy will be turned into fat and stored.

The good complex carbs that help you to burn fat are:

Bran, wheat germ, oatmeal, brown rice, pasta, porridge oats, spelt bread, oatcakes, peas, beans, lentils, sprouted grain bread, spelt, millet, quinoa, and sweet potatoes. The fibres, vitamins, minerals and nutrients in fruit and vegetables will help you burn fat quicker.

It's impossible to lose fat without consuming at least some fat. That eating fat makes you fat, is a huge misconception. The right kind of fat will burn fat right off you. When you give your body the right kind of fat, it enhances the metabolic processes that burn away unwanted fat. Good fat burns off fat; wrong fat stores fat. Avoid these fats: margarine and substitute fake butters, hydrogenated oils, vegetable oils, and canola (rapeseed) oil. The good fats you should eat to lose fat are: eggs, olive oil, raw nuts, avocados and butter.

Sugar is, of course, enemy number one, but processed foods are beyond doubt enemy number two. They often contain enormous quantities of sugar, not to mention all the harmful chemicals that have been added to enhance their flavour and keep them 'fresh'. Your liver breaks down fat, and filters harmful chemicals from your blood. When the liver is busy dealing with these substances, it doesn't get round to breaking down fat.

Among the dangerous substances to avoid are synthetic sweeteners, for your body treats these in exactly the same way as sugar, and releases insulin, with the harmful results explained above. Along with synthetic sweeteners, include high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and processed soya foods.

You don't need to count calories to lose weight. What matters is the quality of the food that you eat, and its metabolic enhancing effects on your body. If you consume the right foods, you can eat a lot.

The even more remarkable fact, however, is that if you don't eat enough, your body starts imagining that there's going to be a famine. So what does it do? It not only clings on to its existing fat, but turns the food you eat into even more fat, depriving you of energy and slowing down your metabolism. So starving yourself does no good at all. It simply makes your body fatter.

The secret of healthy and permanent weight loss is not only knowing what to eat and what not to eat, but adopting a whole new attitude towards food in general. This is why I'm so impressed with a fresh approach to slimming that doesn't require either a constant struggle to keep to a semi-starvation diet, or an exhausting exercise regime. Let me reveal to you how you can get rid of all those excess pounds forever. Visit my website at and check this out for yourself.

Discover Which Vitamins and Minerals Your Body Requires to Help You Lose Weight Healthily
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